Monday, February 15, 2010

About Sept and the end of Aug 2009

Well at least it wasn't drawn out. Period came on day 25. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How could that not have worked? 7 freaking follicles. Most people only have 1 and get preg. What's wrong with me? I feel like I'm being punished for all the bad things I've ever done.

Day 4 Aug 28th. U/S. dr informs me there are cysts on my ovaries so we can't do the injectables again next cycle. We need to let my ovaries go back to their normal size and let the cysts go away. Apparently your ovaries are usually the size of a grape, but mine were the size of a tangerine. Blah, blah, blah, who cares. I'm fine. I know if I'm not healthy and ok, I can't carry a healthy baby, but it's like I don't care what I have to do to myself, I just want to get preg.

So we're talking about why this beautiful, 7 follicle cycle didn't work. Dr says, I could have endo. We could do a lap and see, or we could try a few more cycles and if they don't work, then make that decision. We figured we have to take the month off any way, so lets do the surgery.

Sept 4. Lap. Endo is measured as mild, moderate or severe. Turns out I had a moderate case. Dr said that's probably what caused the m/c. Surgery wasn't too bad. SUre glad we did it. Now I feel re-energized. Although we've been trying for 15 months, it was kind of all for not.

All these people were telling me how the chances of me getting preg right after the surgery were high. Hopes high, once again! So we try. On our own this month. Sex to get preg...haven't done that in a while. I used an OPK. Got the + so we did it...

I think this could be the month. Now we have a reason why. We took care of it and now we can get preg. No pills, no shots, just old fashion sex. Wow.

2ww. Lovenox. I would be due June 2010. Ok. I'll be showing at Christmas. I'll get to see everyone. Perfect.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAA...Day 34, it comes. Nice and late, just to really torment and torture me.

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